Measuring The Impacts of Energy Infrastructure


Intersectoral and International Energy Linkages: Models and Measurement

Ottawa, Ontario

Energy infrastructure, like pipelines and transmission lines, underpin the quality of life that Canadians enjoy. The infrastructure contributes to GDP, enables trade and is a major component of federal, provincial and municipal tax revenue. But, these gains must be weighed against potentially social and environmental consequences. Regulatory approval for such projects is often conditional on demonstration of positive contributions to the public interest - but unfortunately, the best methods to evaluate these effects are unclear.

Join The School of Public Policy for a fast-paced conference, featuring experts who will propose and explore methods and metrics for measuring the consequences of new energy infrastructure for Canada. We will examine social, environmental and economic opportunities across Canada. Research presented at this conference will then be compiled into a book, which will inform policymakers and regulators in Canada, enabling them to better understand how to evaluate the costs and benefits of energy infrastructure.

For more information, visit

Trevor Tombe
Professor of Economics